Thursday, March 25, 2010

I was excited to fill this out...

Yup, I'm that much of a geek :)

but it's like becoming a part of history, right?

Friday, March 19, 2010

And I thought the Midwest had crazy weather

Yesterday, 60 degrees and sunny (i wore my chacos):

Today, 28 degrees and snowing heavily:

(this is a building across the street from my house - i wanted to compare views of the capitol, which is only 4 blocks from my house, but it's snowing so hard you can't see it today)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Carmen's Cafe

I discovered a new coffee shop yesterday, literally across the street from my apartment building. It has a fabulous front porch, perfect for soaking up the 60 degrees and sunshine we've been enjoying the past two days (i'm not yet able to believe that snow is in the forecast for tonight...) They've been open for two months I guess, and just introduced food to their menu yesterday. I chatted with the building owner today - there's talk of introducing a farmer's market and a concert series in the parking lot, and a BYOB club so they don't have to get a liquor license. They've already invested in a bocce ball set for enjoyment on the front lawn. I think I'm gonna like this place :) There's even a pot dispensary in the basement - tee hee :) just kidding mom and dad! (not about the marijuana, just about my enjoyment of it) The mansion (yes, mansion) it's located in is ENORMOUS and BEAUTIFUL. and yes, it does deserve all caps. It was built in 1887, and they just don't make houses like that anymore. it's almost too bad it's an office building now. It would be such an amazing place to live, if I could ever afford a place like that! I took pics:

The outside of the mansion -

Enjoying spring weather -

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Step by Step

As one who now lives life without a car, I have discovered my preferred mode of transportation, particularly in the winter, is my feet. Don't get me wrong, the bus is fantastic. Staying warm for long distances and getting to read a good book while I travel? Yes please. And I still love my bicycle. I love the option to go faster and travel light. But when I climb a hill on foot, I don't get out of breath. And I do live at the top of Capitol Hill (my neighborhood gets it name for a reason!) When I walk, the cold wind does not whip at my face and my ears with bitter force, screaming at me to "be a normal person and get a car!" And when I carry my groceries by foot I do not fear the bags getting caught in the wheel spokes and turning me over into the path of a coming vehicle :)

Now walking everywhere is not always the most ideal form of transportation. Some places are just too far. Sometimes I just don't have time. Sometimes I need to purchase more than I can carry. And sometimes it's still just too cold outside. Walking takes effort and prior planning. I can't "quick run" to the store to pick up something I forgot, unless I'm willing to go to Tony's Market and pay a little more than I would at King Soopers. I am appreciative of my friends with cars who help me out when I need it, and appreciative of eGo CarShare, my "peace of mind" for when I just need to get somewhere with a car.

But some days, walking gives me the greatest joy. I notice the berries on the bush and the detail on the old historic building. I get to enjoy the early morning sunshine on my way to church. I feel fresh and alive rather than stuck in a steel trap rolling down the road, able to ignore the beauty and humanity that abounds on the sidewalks of town. And I never have to worry about downtown parking!

And sometimes, when I walk I take a new path and find neat gems, like this-

Monday, March 1, 2010

my newest time waster

So funny. Love it.

Check it out.