Thursday, September 4, 2008


We did arrive, safe and sound, all luggage intact! We got to Accra around 7 p.m. Wednesday night, and back to our dorm around 9 or 10. We had a reception first with some people from Grand Rapid's "sister city" in the Ga District of Ghana. We were all exhausted.
We started orientation, registration for classes this morning, etc. We are tired, but doing well. The trip was long - 7 hours from Detroit to Frankfurt, 6 hours in the airport in Germany, and 6 more hours through Lagos, Nigeria (where we stayed on the plane as it refueled) to Accra, Ghana. The weather is very humid, but not overly hot today, which is nice.
I currently feel a little shell-shocked - it's day 1 here and a bit confusing not to know exactly where I am and where I'm going. It's been really nice that we're spending most of the day with our professor and being guided around campus. There is no need for me to make my own decisions quite yet. I'm sure when it is I will be ready, but for now it is nice.
I am looking forward to meeting all kinds of new people. My roommate, Irene, is a high school friend of Amma at Calvin, for those of you who may know her. She's been really friendly and nice, very open and shares what she can with me! It's been great.
Hope you're all doing well!


I am write. said...


Judy Kamp said...

I hope this message makes it to you! So glad to hear you arrived safely--an answer to prayer. I'm sure you will get used to everything soon. We will be praying for that. Thanks for the update!
Aunt Judy
P.S. Joel is loving Calvin so far but it's only been 2 days!

the Kamps said...


Glad to hear you arrived safely. As you know anything new can be overwhelming at first. I'm confident that after a few days and a few nights rest it will be all good. Study hard,

Aunt Lori