Saturday, September 6, 2008


I can't believe its only been three days since I got here. It feels like so much longer! I am much more comfortable here. Yesterday we went to the Medina market and today we headed into the capital city of Accra for the day. I was reminded by going out how "sheltered" the University campus is compared to the outside world. When we go out into the markets we are called "obruni, obruni" (which is twi for white person) and asked if we want to buy things. They assume we have a lot of money because we are foreigners. We are able to purchase anything we want in the markets here. There are all kinds of foods, fruits and vegetables (both familiar and not), meat (including pig legs...kinda gross) and tons of fresh fish (smelly). There are all kinds of fabrics and even second-hand clothes (American clothes) for sale. You can buy any necessity - soaps, towels, buckets, all kinds of silverware, knives and other cooking utensils, really anything!
Today we went to the cultural market in Accra and visited a drum shop. The guys there were great - they said because we were students we were, of course broke, and we should receive free drum lessons from them. So we did :) They played us some welcome music and then let us try. We did not have much time because we had to go to lunch, but they invited us to come back soon! My funny moment of the day: one guy asked me if I was a model. I said no, but he said I should be because I have a "sexy body". HA! (that laugh's for you Beth). It was hilarious :) Well, I will update further later. Thanks for reading!


I am write. said...

amy's got a BF already.
well done!

Judy VanderWall said...

Hi Amy!
Wow...drum lessons, and an admirer who thinks you're a model. Sounds very interesting! We'll be checking in regularly to hear about your experiences.
Everything is good, soccer, piano lessons, Cadets and Gems for Michelle and John.
Our prayers are with you as always.
Aunt Judy

Renee Sieplinga said...

Sounds like you're having a fabulous time! I'm so glad. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading! Try to keep those admirers under control. :) Love you!