Friday, March 19, 2010

And I thought the Midwest had crazy weather

Yesterday, 60 degrees and sunny (i wore my chacos):

Today, 28 degrees and snowing heavily:

(this is a building across the street from my house - i wanted to compare views of the capitol, which is only 4 blocks from my house, but it's snowing so hard you can't see it today)


Justin said...

Glad to see you're discovering what CO's crazy weather is like! Lake Effect? That's child's play. I always smirked when my dear MI friends said they had the craziest weather. False! Just wait until it's 60 when you go to work, and it's a blizzard when you go home 8 hours later....and be ready for snow in May!

Jeremy said...

This is just like in IL right now! Yesterday: 65 degrees. Today: 31 degrees and really snowy. Nuts this weather.