Monday, January 17, 2011

Icicles outside my window

Winter has set down with full force here in West Michigan. The snow is covering the ground and will probably not melt again until April... or May...

Though I am generally not a fan of the cold winter months, the joy that my roommates have found in the snow is a little bit contagious, I can't lie. I can actually look at the falling snow and think for at least a moment about how pretty it is before I think about the drudgery of shoveling and car scraping! I love having the option of walking to the bus stop to get to work when I want to avoid driving in the snow. And truthfully I'd rather walk outside when it's snowing than when it's raining. It's really not so bad.

I went sledding yesterday for probably the first time since high school as well. I thought I'd be freezing, but I wore 6 layers on top and 3 on the bottom, with hand warmers in my boots, and I was good to go!

So I guess I'll admit it - winter's not that bad. At least not yet :) It is still only January!

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